Black on Black Crime: What Actions Must Be Taken to Combat the Violence?
Question by Sustagurl2: Black On Black Crime: What actions must be taken to combat the violence?
ATL, Baltimore, Chicago, Cleveland, Columbus, Detroit, Gary, Indianapolis, Kansas City, OKC, LA, Milwaukee, NYC, Memphis, Miami, Jackson, Minneapolis, Oakland, etc. are/have seen an onslaught of BOB violence & fatalities.
That being said, what can we do (as a nation) to STOP the violence in our communities, both locally & abroad?
Tell me your thoughts and please be civil!
Best answer:
Answer by Toyota
more campaigns against it and more teachings in schools!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Community Calendar
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A Medicare prescription drug benefit enrollment event will be held on Thursday, Nov. 8 from 9:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. at the Seward Memorial Library. The event will be … Call York General Cardiac Rehab at 362-0462 to pre-register by Tuesday, Nov. 6 …
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2 Responses to Black on Black Crime: What Actions Must Be Taken to Combat the Violence?
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Increased self-esteem and forward-thinkingness
I realize that I am giving simplistic answers to a complex problem, but here goes. IMHO, it is not just black on black crime that needs to be addressed, it is crime in general.
Teach (in the public schools, religious organizations, youth organizations, etc.) anger management and conflict resolution techniques. Teach parenting. Teach ethics, empathy, and manners.
Have effective reentry programs for convicts. Currently convicts may not only have difficulty getting hired, they may also have to pay for being on probation.
Lessen the penalty for drug crimes. Sentence persons convicted of possession to rehab, not jail.
Improve schools as needed. Make sure that students know the value of an education and the disadvantages of a criminal record. Start teaching these things at an early age.