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Question by nicole l: Addiction…..?
hi, I have an addictive personality. I have the feeling I may also be bipolar. They say that most addictive personalities are caused by sudden trauma or loss on a family or friendship of the carrier. That happened to me and now I cannot stop thinking about it. My addictions are strange, they vary from people (celebrities) to dreams to bands to songs to movies to places to ideas to memories to foods to other not so healthy things. I know that this is wrong, but everything I’m told doesn’t help, please help me. I think I’m bipolar because I will go from incredably happy to such a low I try to kill myself. I don’t open up much to people, but I feel somewhat annomyous on the internet, though I’m not. I sometimes get incredably paranoid and I can’t control it. I do not want attention, simply answers. Thanks for reading.


Best answer:

Answer by CoolRain
I have a lot of addictions too. Go talk to your doctor. he will help and diagnose.

What do you think? Answer below!



Addiction Intervention – Why Families Wait (1of7) – Why Families Wait to do an Intervention (Part 1 of 7) A Presentation done by David Lee, Founder of Intervention Servic…


9 Responses to Addiction…..?

  • Dave S says:

    If you don’t have one already, you should make an appointment with a therapist.

  • Brian A says:

    ok i dont really know what you mean but im kinda going thourgh the same thing you are like not making a lot of friends. it is really hard! i think it would be good to see a concerler not a pshciratrist yeah i spelled it worng

  • Jackie M says:

    I would see a therapist or mental health expert before things get really outta control. Prevention is the best medicine. Laughter and exercise too!

  • Blue says:

    Either see a shrink or get some new hobbies to take up some of that free time.

  • lafftah says:

    the fact that you suspect that there may be an issue(s) to handle puts you on the right track to overcoming the undesirable behaviors. It is best to meet with a professional and discuss your thoughts. Addiction is a very complex matter and often times, the reason for the “addictive behavior” can only be uncovered through intensive therapy. Please look up a suicide prevention hotline in your area for the times that you think you may want to hurt yourself and give them a call. If you have health insurance, many of the carriers provide a network of behavioral healthcare professionals that you can see at a relatively low cost (often time just the copay). If you are a minor, you may need your parents consent. please try not to hurt yourself and contact a professional as soon as possible. He/she will be able to help you work through your feelings and thoughts so you may better manage them. good luck!

  • lilygirl2727 says:

    It sounds to me like what you have are obsessions rather than addictions. Not to say that you don’t have some addictions too, but most of what you described sounds like obsessions. That can be a sign of obsessive compulsive disorder, which is a very common anxiety disorder. It doesn’t mean you are crazy, it just means you need help. Anxiety disorders are so common it is unbelievable. It also sounds as if you are at risk for being bi-polar and I would definitely check that out. They have medication which can completely change your life, if that is indeed what it is.

    Don’t give up. I had mental issues as bad as they can get as far as anxiety disorders, obsessions, panic attacks, etc. I thought I was going crazy. Everybody else was “normal”, but not me. I found a website called and it changed my life. It made me feel normal again. It may help you too.

  • bejay says:

    I’m with lilygirl, your ‘addictions’ sound more like obsessions & they can be symptoms of anxiety.

    However the mood swings you describe could warrant assessment by a Psychiatrist as they could well indicate Bi polar disorder.

    Therapists are fine but not if it is Bi Polar see the Psychiatrist first, don’t forget not all self proclaimed therapists have adequate training.

    The good news is that either way both are treatable if you’re prepared to accept & impliment the advice of the professional you choose.

  • Awdy Pawdy says:

    you just explained my life in a nutshell. i have exactly the same thing. i think i am bipolar but im not sure. and i am also very obbssesive and paranoid. my life feels like one big dream

  • Carmine Thompson says:

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