Did Obama’s Drug Use Contribute to His Lack of Understanding in Geography?

Question by Tallyman: Did Obama’s drug use contribute to his lack of understanding in Geography?
“I made some bad decisions … You know, got into drinking and experimenting with drugs, there was a whole stretch of time where I didn’t apply myself,” Obama confessed to the study hall class.

Obama added that it wasn’t until he went to college that he “started realizing, man, I wasted a lot of time.”

He thinks we have 57 states, maybe he was high during that class? Also, he thought Kentucky was closer to Arkansas than it really is, he never went to rehab so I wonder if he is still in an active addiction phase of illegal drug use?
great point Tide, I almost forgot that he spent a majority of his time studying something other than American studies!
I love when he said the President of Canada! That was so hysterical! I know all of the rest of the world is laughing hard at the USA!
nope he said states, not primaries, and he did not even campaign in all the primaries! He took his name off the ballot in Mich, and he did no campaigning in Florida! He is a very confused man. As for drugs, most do not do Cocaine, I know I never have or would!

Best answer:

Answer by TiedtoaRainbow
He wasn’t interested in our American states. He has focused his studies on the African continent.

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14 Responses to Did Obama’s Drug Use Contribute to His Lack of Understanding in Geography?

  • Poli-Ticked says:

    What kind of pychodelic drugs are you on that caused you to pair those two thoughts as an attempt at intellectual rationale?

  • The Truth Aint Hate says:

    please dont vote

  • Mew Mew says:

    i’m no obama supporter, but that’s a pretty dumb question you got there.

  • bubbles says:

    I think you have way too much time on your hands.

  • Texcoach says:

    He is not even sure which of the 57 states that the White House is even in or not. I not even going to try to explain to him DC is not a state……..sheeeezzzuzzzz

  • Susan J says:

    I hope that you don’t really think that Obama is the only candidate, senator or president who has done drugs.

  • . says:

    That just makes him a typical young person.

    The Clinton campaign staffer who brought that up resigned immediately and said:
    “I made a mistake and in light of what happened, I have made the personal decision that I will step down as the co-chair of the Hillary for President campaign. This election is too important and we must all get back to electing the best qualified candidate who has the record of making change happen in this country. That candidate is Hillary Clinton.”

    Have you ever experimented with drugs? I’m not sure I would trust someone who claims they never did. Heck, I’m not sure I would trust someone who *actually* never did.

    BTW: there are 56 primaries. That’s probably what he was thinking. Have you *NEVER* made a momentary slip of the tung?

  • just plain jim says:

    He was probably bone tired when it said that.

    I have made many bone headed statements I later regretted.

    Everyone has

    Why do we hold our politicians to such high standards?

    I mean really, it is one thing when a leader makes mistakes in things they say, it is quite another when a leader deceives the people into something as horrible as war.

    935 Deceptions and Lies in the Ramp Up to the War.

    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated

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  • avail_skillz says:

    The actual Political Science definition of a STATE is an organized community with its own political system and law.

    The US has more than 50 of those, even though we only have 50 of what the laymen thinks of as a state.

    But considering how many hours of sleep people get on camapaign trail, it could have been that he was thinking of how many stops he made.
    Maybe you should email him and ask if you think it is so important.

  • Captain Awesome says:

    The 57 states comment was taken out of context. He meant to say, “47 states with 1 to go (just the 48 mainland states).” He was tired and misspoke. You could tell he knew he screwed up because there was a big pause between 50 and 7. Quit spinning stories that are already stupid.

  • darcy m says:

    Obama is not on drugs and I even laughed when he said 57 states….after talking everyday for 15 months in and out of states back and forth…come on …human error not anything else…

    Focus real issues

    He is well versed in geography please…….

    WHO didn’t waste time in youth or LIKE right now

    We are FORCED to know so much about Obama
    considering McCain is also running what do we know about every detail in his life

    Did he do drugs after coming back
    Did he go to counselling after being tortured for 5 years
    Does he still carry the memories in his head
    How does he feel when he goes to Nam
    Is this why he has such a mad temper
    What does he think about doing drugs for pain
    Does he drink
    Did he drink
    Why did he drink
    How many did he drink
    Where did he drink
    With who did he drink
    How old was he when he first drank
    What school did he go to
    Why there
    What were his grades…in geography
    Why did he say the wrong sect in front of International Press
    Why did Joe Lieberman have to whisper the correct answer in his ear
    What church does he go to
    Why not release tax records for his wife..hiding something
    Why refuses to sign for release of his military records
    Why does he have so many lobbyists on his staff
    Why does he have so many lobbyists as friends
    Why did he feel the need to interfere with Airbus issue and write 3 letters trying to stop Boeing from getting contractWhy did he want France to have the jobs
    Why not the 14,000 right here in the states
    Who is Grumman and why doesn’t press ask him hard questions
    Why does he change his mind so much

    Why do people want to vote for someone they know little about
    Does being prisioner of war for 5 years make you the best president to handle fragile foreign affairs

  • newnew says:

    Another sell ooutt? Hell no! Senator Obama drug use is in the past. Key word PAST. We all have done things when we were younger that we will not do not. Just playin Devil’s Advocate here. Do you think he really meant what he said? As in, the guy could be about as tired as the day is long? ++

  • Jaz says:

    I am offended when whites bring this up Obama pass drug use and doubly offend when blacks or people of color do this shyt. You sound ignorant here. Barack made a mistake with the drug use in his youth. I’m sure Hillary, John etc. etc. has done use drugs or alcolol or done other stupid things in our youth. Just let it go, and leave the candidates to debate the issues. I think Obama meant 57 primaries. %%


  • Tia says:

    No. Obama was man enough to admit he did drug in his younger day. Like all the candidates they get tired and slip up sometimes. It’s not big deal.

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