Drug Rehabilitation Center?

Question by HenryL: Drug Rehabilitation center?
This question has been raging in my mind

Ok hypothetically say I’m addicted to smoking marijuana

Say I choose to go to rehab since it is illegal in USA would they put me in jail or make me pay a fine since I broke the law

Another situation if I get caught smoking marijuana by the cops

Would I go to jail or go to rehab or would i go to rehab and pay a fine

also does rehab cost money and what would happen if I am in rehab

This is all hypothetically I do not take any illegal substances
wait are you trying to say I do smoke?
you guys are still not answering my question…
and you guys are all assuming i do take illegal substances which i don’t

Best answer:

Answer by wartz
Hypothetically you are beating around the bush so much that there aren’t any leaves left.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Best Drug Rehabilitation: Lem Barney – former Detroit Lions – Per Wickstrom of Best Drug Rehabilitation sits down with Lem Barney, former player of the Detroit Lions, to speak about schools, education, and drug use amon…


3 Responses to Drug Rehabilitation Center?

  • tr90814 says:

    You got a problem ! If the police stopped you most of the times depending on how much you have in your possession. If it a little they will dump or write you a ticket, if it’s a lot they will or can arrest you on the basics of being a seller and not a user. You can also get community services with cal trans depends on the severity of the issue.

  • Starlight Bev {SPDR} says:

    I will answer your question. I’ve actually been in that situation, and worse. and with worse drugs than just pot.

    If you are admitted into rehab. (which does cost money, and lots of it) you will not have any charges pressed against you from the law.
    If you are caught by the police or turned in, most likely you will be fined, and your stash will be confiscated. If you have enough to constitute being a seller/dealer then you will most likely be arrested and end up in jail.

    If you have any more questions about rehab/drugs just email me [email protected]

  • Per Wickstrom says:

    Per Wickstrom of Best Drug Rehabilitation sits down with Lem Barney, former
    player of the Detroit Lions, to speak about schools, education, and drug
    use amongst children and teens.?

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