I Think I’m Developing a Sex Addiction. Does Anyone Know of Free or Low-Cost Counseling Available in NYC?

Question by harlemtj: I think I’m developing a sex addiction. Does anyone know of free or low-cost counseling available in NYC?
I’ve always been into porn as most guys are but over the last 6 months, I noticed my viewership ramping up significantly to the point where I’d be late for work some days because of it. Then, about three months ago, I stumbled on a weekly sex party in Manhattan and become a regular there. Now that I just bought a car, it’s even worse as I’ve taken to answering ads in the ‘erotic services’ section of Craigslist now and even take nightly trips up to Hunts Point in the Bronx. I feel like things are starting to spin out of control.

I have a live-in girlfriend who loves me and I’ve hidden all this from her and I’m starting to feel terrible but I can’t seem to stop. The absolute worst thing that could happen is if I catch a disease and bring it back to her. She’s the love of my life and if I lose her, it would be disastrous.

Does anyone know of any free or low-cost counseling I can receive? I obviously have some deep-seated issues I’m not dealing with properly and I need help. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by mustlovedogs
There are many counseling centers at universities where therapists train. They usually offer free services, or very low cost. Yeshiva University may be near you, and they have a free clinic. Try checking it out online.

What do you think? Answer below!


From Twitter:

I need to give in and marry a rich old man to help my nyc shopping addictionby Legitmel (Melissa R.)


From Twitter:

Reclaim your health & spirit, recover from Heroin addiction with help from a recovery plan in “Quitting Heroin” http://t.co/RhMFdB5O – by choicesnyc (Choices Bookstore)


4 Responses to I Think I’m Developing a Sex Addiction. Does Anyone Know of Free or Low-Cost Counseling Available in NYC?

  • Dr. van Rijn says:

    I am sorry that you have to go through a situation like this. I praise you for your honesty and willingness to help yourself. That frame of mind will ultimately heal you.

    Sexual addiction in males is a problem that some do not want to admit exists. Males have been more traditionally sexual, so society will turn a blind eye to such a thing.

    Talking to a physician you trust is the first step. They often have lists of counselors that are low or no cost (or, alternatively, on a donation basis). Often, social workers are licensed counselors and they will often help you out in that capacity.

    I wish you the best in your recovery, and do not give up hope. I have seen many cases of this in the past, and all of them have ended pleasantly.

  • Susan L says:

    check with your local mental health agency for your area or a local hospital will be able to direct you

  • Hakem says:

    HA! You’re screwed… Hey, I gotta write that down.

    Sorry for whatever will happen.

  • MG says:

    Don’t you think is contradictory your argument when you say that your girlfriend is the love of your life, and how disastrous it would be if she found out, while you are putting YOUR LIFE and HERS (deceivingly) at risk?

    She’s the love of your life, but you are keeping something that may hurt even kill her as a secret because you’re afraid of being left alone.

    Unless you start caring for your own life, loving her as much as you say you love her will kill her. Noticed how you’re destroying your life- you’re destroying hers too.

    Would you like her to be hiding something of this proportion from you even while she is putting your health/life at risk?
    C’mon, be honest.

    Did you know that every time you have sex with your girlfriend you are exposing her to the same things you’re exposing yourself every time you have casual sex with a stranger? Why you are putting her at risk? Is it because your “love” to her is much more important than her life & health?

    If you were a friend, I would advise you to immediately go to a doctor for blood tests for all sorts of STD’s and HIV/AIDS. Tell your doctor about your behavior.

    Stop having sex with your girlfriend right now. Once you hear the results, you MUST communicate anything you may have given her.

    You need to take care of yourself, so you may have to try to take a break from the relationship for a couple of months while you see a psychologist. You’ve got to save your life by taking control over this addiction.

    Tell your girlfriend whatever you feel comfortable telling her, but don’t have sex with her- don’t do more harm than what you have already done to yourself and her. Don’t put her at risk. Is your duty to keep her safe from your addiction- at least until you’re well again.

    About where to find cheap counseling, there is no price for your life…. your behavior will send you and girlfriend to the grave unless you intervene NOW. This is an emergency and life preservation dictates that humans would do anything in an emergency when your life is at risk.

    You’ve taken the first step which is to recognize this addiction is a problem; there are people who go on for years before ignoring the problem.

    This situation you’ve is a matter of life and death, it only takes one encounter for you to be infected with AIDS. Living with AIDS is very expensive and painful.

    Saving money should not be your first concern, but keeping your health/life from harm ways. Even if you needed to fund it with credit card debt, you must seek for counseling at all cost today.

    What good is money for if when you need it to save your life, you won’t spend it?

    Things will get better, but you must do something first to get control over your life before is too late.

    You have the power to change your behavior with the help of professionals.

    Good luck.

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