Native American Answers Only: What Are Your Thoughts of Natives That Don’t Get the Helping Hand They Deserve?

Question by REUBEN B: Native American answers only: What are your thoughts of natives that don’t get the helping hand they deserve?
like how natives are just pushed to the side in health care, drug treatments and the likes. most natives who are charged with crimes as they call them like alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and homelessness. they really don’t try to get the natives in treatment they just let them go home where they will more than likely turn back to the vises that are plaguing the native community. just want to know your native thoughts on such a dire situation.

Best answer:

Answer by Mello1
10 minutes and no one’s answered. I think you should make a simple Poll question, asking for a yes or a no. That would be safe on this site. You might be surprised how many whites sympathize with the Native Indian Peoples. Then again, there are so many teenagers on this site looking only for a good time. Yep I’m white.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Long-acting Pain Drugs No Longer Approved for Treating Moderate Pain

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North Adams Triad Picnic Focuses On Drug Abuse, Treatment

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9 Responses to Native American Answers Only: What Are Your Thoughts of Natives That Don’t Get the Helping Hand They Deserve?

  • common sense says:

    I’m 1/8 Sac/Fox and although native Americans have had a devastating time dealing with the settling of this country by immigrants, they need and can help themselves, as many are doing.

  • amanda the creek says:

    It is atrocious. I like how everyone thinks that we have a free ride from the government from health care to housing to college grants.

    If the average person ever went to a rez and actually talked to the people living there, and looked at the residential areas, clinics, etc, they would know better.

    The bad part is, the average person doesn’t want to go to a rez and see such things. They would rather just ignore us all together. Some don’t even think that we exist anymore!!

    It all adds up to the old saying, “If you can’t see it, it doesn’t exist.” Everyone wants to turn a blind eye to us and our problems and forget how they really messed up our lives – to this day.

    I don’t live on the rez. Never have, but I return to our rez several times a year and help out at a couple clinics – on my own time, on my own dime. It is time for us who have it a bit better than some to become proactive in our own Nations.

  • dipsydoodle says:

    when they decided to cut themselves off and live on reservations they lost any semblence of citizens and responsibility to the country. why should people respond to them when they act as if they live in another nation.and dont whine about how bad they have it. every other race, creed and color is trying hard to be a responible citizen. get off your butts,get a job and be a part of it.

  • KathyC says:

    i think you should talk to whatever tribes council members.. they get paid ungodly amounts of money to represent their people and some are getting cheated..where i live in OK im on the border between choctaw and chickasaw and our medical care and food stores are great..our dentists are first i am osage supposed to be one of the wealthiest tribes.. we pay our reps 57,000 a year plus 750 mo for expenses and all they focus on are casinos and festivals our tribal newpaper is a pr paper…..what are ya gonna do?

  • You mean there are Indians who do get what they deserve?? Where??
    Yeah, it’s terrible. The good thing is many of us are helping our own.

  • courtney19 says:

    it also depends on what area you live in. like i live in az and natives get taken care of. i’m native so i know. i received quite a bit of money for school and my dad get’s “Indian” checks every month and good healthcare and so does my brother. I haven’t applied for my certificate of Indian blood yet but since i can prove my dads native I get benefits.

  • big george says:

    An Indian Health bill was being pushed thorough the political system and was on the brink of being signed by Obama when the Anti Abortion people raised hell over the fact the bill contained funds for abortions and that was the end of the bill.
    To me it seems the Indian organizations raise enormous amounts of money for “Indian causes” but in the end the only ones who benefit are those running the organizations.Our tribe in Oklahoma make a big noise about how they are building schools and clinics and hospitals but the largest part of the money comes from Government grants in spite of the Tribe pulling in Billions of dollars from the Casinos and other tribal enterprises. All the profit from these money making projects go to investing in other money making making projects. An Indian gets casino money only be working at minimum wage and no benefits at one of the casinos. We still get by on handouts and commodities, social security or welfare checks.The Indians who take care of themselves work for the government in some kind of Indian related program. There are thousands of organizations of various kinds on the reservations claiming to help the Indian but the Indian’s situation never changes. If it does change it changes for the worse.

  • Cloudbrother says:

    It depends on the part of the country you’re in, I guess. Many California have it really well, while others live with what you are talking about every day.

    I think it’s pretty clear by now that if the Red man is going to be lifted up, we’re going to have to do it ourselves. If we could just get congress and the BIA let us have more control over the territory and lives that are supposed to be hours in the first place.

  • ditsei says:

    Within IHS, the medical staff doesn’t ask enough questions during patient reviews. Also, it is the tribal council responsibility to tell IHS what the medical priorities to address for their reservations. Out here in the urban area, it’s a bit different. There are out reach clinics in the metropolitan areas.

    Alcohol will be a continuum issue, but the government, CIA, they are all the same, let the Mexican drug cartels come on our reservations. Meth abuse is rapid on our lands, as well as gangs, with that comes the increase of teen age suicide rates, violence upon our Native women, the AIDs rate continues to grow.

    Bottom line, the government still wants our resources, and will continue inventing ways to wipe us out.

    It time for us to go back home and take care of our own, because nobody else will.

    edit: terry anderson on indian health service

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