Ted Williams “Man With Golden Voice” Was a Bum, Now a Online Sensation! (FULL STORY)


Ted Williams “Man with Golden Voice” Was a Bum, Now a Online Sensation! (FULL STORY) – Ted Williams, a homeless man with a deep, refined voice has become an overnight online sensation after being “brought to light” by a local reporter on a street corner in Columbus, Ohio. The 53 year-old has now been offered a job by the NBA’s Cleveland Cavaliers and is being pursued by NFL Films for possible work. He has even been offered a new home, which was claimed to be LeBron’s old house. Williams said the team had offered him a two-year contract and said they would pay his living expenses. Williams was recently living in a tent and whose past includes a lengthy list of arrests. He has served time in prison for theft and forgery and has been cited with numerous misdemeanours, including drug abuse. In New York, Williams’ mother Julia was thrilled her only child was turning his life around.


From Twitter:

Drug Take-Back Day attacks prescription abuse | The Columbus Dispatch http://t.co/3fpSnNCB #Ohio #Healthcare – by GDAHA (GDAHA)


From Twitter:

Prescription abuse: Death toll drops in drug war | The Columbus Dispatch http://t.co/4w2W5qWG – by ohioaj (Alan Johnson)


From Twitter:

10TV: Ad Campaign Targets Painkiller Abuse In Ohio http://t.co/E07goiE2 – by 10TV (10TV.com)


4 Responses to Ted Williams “Man With Golden Voice” Was a Bum, Now a Online Sensation! (FULL STORY)

  • Shatt3rproof says:

    Couldn’t be happier for this man, amazing.?

  • Vic Estrada says:

    Im glad there still is hope, thanks to peoples support from around the world. It takes? someone being down and out to be brought back up.

  • toledosan says:

    Hopefully he stays off the? drugs and booze… He truly does have a great talent.

  • 1991Mnemosyne says:

    I think it’s amazing! He looks great, now that he’s off the streets… In a way, this symbolises that sometimes you have to look further than what you see in a person. Homeless or not, maybe a person? has much more to offer then what you think at first 🙂

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