Kenneth | Mission: Kobe Bryant | Homeless in LA | TakePart TV


Kenneth | Mission: Kobe Bryant | Homeless in LA | TakePart TV – Subscribe Now!: Kobe Bryant visits LA Mission resident Kenneth to discover the face of the homeless in LA. Kenneth had planned to become a world-class sports trainer but was waylaid by drug addiction. Support the Kobe and Vanessa Bryant Family Foundation’s fight to end homelessness in LA: Follow the Kobe and Vanessa Bryant Family Foundation on Twitter @kvbff and on Facebook: Find a Homeless Service Organization near you through the National Coalition for the Homeless: Watch More Mission: Kobe Bryant: About Mission: Kobe Bryant Mission follows Kobe Bryant as he documents an honest and unfiltered account of challenges facing residents of Skid Row, the downtown Los Angeles area with the largest concentration of homeless people in the United States. Through Bryant’s personal and candid conversations with residents of The Los Angeles Mission, a nonprofit organization that cares for homeless people in the area, Mission highlights key social issues affecting millions of homeless Americans and how organizations are helping people regain their lives. About the Kobe and Vanessa Bryant Family Foundation The Kobe and Vanessa Bryant Family Foundation is dedicated to improving the lives of youth and families in need, particularly in Los Angeles County. By providing financial resources and developing unique programs, the Foundation strives to strengthen communities and collaborate with local partners to support the most vulnerable


House of Sophrosyne conference, program launch on neonatal drug withdrawal

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George Patterson received the Light of Truth award from the people of Tibet

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Not a lot of people can be said to have tried to help the Dalai Lama escape the clutches of communist China and then played a part in saving guitar legend Eric Clapton's life. Falkirk-born George Patterson, who sadly died on December 28, did both …
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SIGN ME UP: Substance abuse topics covered in Share series

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Share Family and Community Services' Alcohol and Drug Program invites you to attend any or all of its latest education series. The program … It will help those people affected by others' use, to understand addicts and addictive behaviour. There is no …
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15 Responses to Kenneth | Mission: Kobe Bryant | Homeless in LA | TakePart TV

  • mindliberationarmy says:

    If only the whole community would do small? things, big things would develop.

  • C. CEAZR says:

    What is raler than helping people in need that are overlooked by society, as you can see he didn’t do this for the spot light because it was from the heart. Thats why I am a proud fan of Kobe. I’m always humbled when I? see people do things because its the right thing to do and it says a lot about the person doing it. Kobe Bryant is one of those dudes!!!

  • BlackMambaSanctuary says:

    No, fuck Vanessa. She isn’t going out there in public like Kobe and actually talking? with them. She doesn’t do shit, she just acts like she does.

  • ForzaAquila says:

    wait aren’t? they divorced?

  • sha370z says:

    a lot of working homeless are at mom? and dad house .but if mom and dad miss
    payments the banks can take back the home . the fed loan out over 16 trillion out
    now the fed on QE3 85 billion in buying bonds each mo all i saw on TV was NFL
    NBA MLB cartoons and so on .

  • Kennylol says:

    Less homelessness,? more homolessness. j/k

  • mu v says:

    best player and best helper? dats wassup

  • anonymousprofess says:

    Kobe and Vanessa are a beautiful team/couple. They both compliment each other in ways they probably will never overstand. I hope they never split and do wonders in helping many lives and set a? platform we all can learn from and in whatever way participate in. There is no way there should be homelessness in America, forget about drugs or no education. Lets focus on the real reason DENIAL. People are in DENIAL it can happen to them and in DENIAL it even exists, real talk from a Laker fan 4life!

  • Methadone4Life says:

    Great stuff?

  • Spencer Kolbert says:

    if someone? dislikes this, they will suffer

  • jahmbo says:

    2:58 “the one word I use? is determination and perseverance.” Kobe, that’s two words. But, great program. Keep up the good work.

  • nmintz23 says:

    Nice to see people with? money especially basketball players give back to the community.

  • Maritess Lim says:

    So humanitarian? of IDOL Kobe …

  • Kv7 says:

    Glad to see Kobes doin stuf? to help in this crazy world 🙂

  • blackairangel says:

    nice? job kobe 🙂

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