Juvenile Justice & Richard Dembo, Ph.D
Juvenile Justice & Richard Dembo, Ph.D – The Al Mccray Show, Tampa Bay News and Talk, Richard Dembo is a very humble, soft spoken and a gentle man. Nationally the name Richard Dembo is synonymous with Juvenile Justice issues and innovative ways of helping troubled youths. His opinions are well received and are highly respected in the arenas of Juvenile Justice,Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, Offender Rehabilitation, Neurobehavioral HIV Medicine, Alcohol and Drugs. He is a very educated person, but he will never allow his many degrees to come between himself, you, public , his students, associates and most of all the troubled youth he helps. Mr. Dembo is personally dedicated to finding solutions today for our troubled youth so they can become productive members of our society as adults. He does not seem to have an angry bone in his body. He is a very forgiving and understanding man. ‘ He is a very proud grand papa. It is almost impossible to be in his company and not hear him bring up his grand children. ——————————————————————————– …….. check out his impeccable, solid and impressive background …. ——————————————————————————– RICHARD DEMBO is a Professor of Criminology at the University of South Florida in Tampa. He received his Ph.D. in sociology from New York University. He has conducted extensive research on the relationship between drug use and delinquency; has published three books and over 180 …
Born Addicted: Treating Drug-Dependent Babies
Filed under: drug abuse treatment association florida
Born Addicted: Treating Drug-Dependent Babies. Hospitals in Florida and elsewhere are grappling with the latest fallout from the epidemic of prescription-drug abuse: babies born addicted to painkillers. The newborns present new challenges for hospitals.
Read more on Wall Street Journal (India)
Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf, US Commander in Gulf War, Dies at 78
Filed under: drug abuse treatment association florida
In 1993, he was found to have prostate cancer, for which he was successfully treated. In Operation Desert Storm, General Schwarzkopf orchestrated one of the … Florida Republicans urged him to run for the United States Senate. Amid speculation about …
Read more on New York Times
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To curb people that need to capitalize on people like cattle, when Oprah almost shut the law down in the 70″s a bunch of fascist rot, bought her. It’s not a mental disorder to like sex, your a mental disorder for making laws manipulating a nation by media when, kids die at the rate of 90K per day & kids set up adults? & other children, often with direction from others. Nazis thought socialism should control? not only economics but breeding, religion & other intimate details of life. ENDSEXLAWNOW!