Future of Health, Drug Addiction Treatment, Ayahuasca, Cannabis Hemp, and the Shaman Farmers of God


Future of Health, Drug Addiction Treatment, Ayahuasca, Cannabis Hemp, and the Shaman Farmers of God – Shamanistic Redemption: Entheogenic Intervention www.associatedcontent.com People often ask for solutions to our worlds problems. This is one.


From Twitter:

Addiction Canada Treatment Network Now Specializes in Prescription Drug and Opioid Recovery: (1888PressRelease) … http://t.co/eXH9Ef6N – by hypesol (Web Promoters)


From Twitter:

Addiction Canada Treatment Network Now Specializes in Prescription Drug and Opioid Recovery: (1888PressRelease) … http://t.co/zGxWGXen – by trendyshowcase (Trendy Showcase)


From Twitter:

Drug Addiction & Treatment: The #Toronto Psychosomatic Clinic #LLMO #ACO-1 #AwesomeTeam C507D57E – http://t.co/FW2NhQui – by LeslieMostrup (Leslie Mostrup)


20 Responses to Future of Health, Drug Addiction Treatment, Ayahuasca, Cannabis Hemp, and the Shaman Farmers of God

  • ezhumalai91 says:

    I got? help with my sober living by calling 877-263-3402 . It really
    helped me out

  • apollocircle says:

    No, I don’t have any of those things.? I try to help people as they are wanting and willing.I have 20+ years on this path of learning to live naturally and outside the “system”. We have some amazing stories. A couple of us would be likely dead were it not for the path we are on. I am always trying to learn more. I help whomever I can. It all started with a vision I had more than 20 years ago. I then knew what I had to do. Trust in the arm of the Lord and not in the arm of flesh.

  • David Lory VanDerBeek says:

    Do you have a website? Or blog or vlog? You could do some great youtube videos? and I’d send people to you.

  • apollocircle says:

    Yep, and toothpaste causes cavities, shampoo just wrecks your hair. Brush your teeth with baking soda and perhaps some black walnut powder thrown in. Wash hair with baking soda and rinse with diluted vinegar. Instead of lotion, use coconut oil. Never use anything ON the body? that you would not welcome IN the body. It gets swept into the blood stream thru the skin. Drug addict often have a swollen brain and are trying to balance out thru self medicating. We can thank vaccines for that.

  • David Lory VanDerBeek says:

    That’s interesting. I shower, but? I don’t put soup all over my skin and we use organic soup. I just felt it dried out my skin to soup up too much.

  • apollocircle says:

    Ever tried Kava Kava? Good stuff. I get my herbs from Mountain Rose Herbs .com Marijuana should not be illegal. If I were to use it, I would not smoke it. I would put it in my tea pot like my other herbs. People would be amazed at how well they can be if they get back to these things you are talking about. Did you know that using soap on your body all the time wrecks your bodies ability to do its? Vit D thing? There are lots of things we do that we don’t even know its hurting us.

  • David Lory VanDerBeek says:

    #davidlory We need to understand what it is about #Cannabis that helps you so much? in stead of beating you up about it. Then we need to develop a legal delivery system for it.

  • sxearon says:

    great video this helped me understand my cannabis use ive been smoking since i was 17 its helped me alot and helped me see things in a different way. i think thats how i got? threw high school, im 19 now and i feel like its time to stop and its hard to stop

  • David Lory VanDerBeek says:

    #davidlory It’s only a matter of? time. I’m a #medicineman without his #medicine . My medicine is illegal, but not for long.

  • cool22able says:

    Wow I listened to this again I so believe in this as a person who as a child was forced “Medication” antidepressants ect for years formative years I was forced to take drugs that I find out now were over 50% fluoride compound. I never got better I got numb and stupid ( Fluoride is a neurotoxin known to lower? I Q) I cant tell you what an amazing idea this is absolutely inspired! This is an effective and compassionate approach!

  • cindybin2001 says:

    Ugh, David, this is the exact excuse all the casual pot smokers give me to justify getting high! And they rave about the medical benefits of marijuana for the exact same reason! They just want to? get high! I’ll be you anything that all the people supporting you on this board would put me down and cuss me out and threaten me and everything else, just for saying we shouldn’t use drugs to enjoy life, relax and unwind, get high and buzzed. Even though I’m not against medical marijuana!

  • David Lory VanDerBeek says:

    #davidlory Some people persecute God’s work thinking that they are doing God’s work. These plants? are from God and we need the #Right to? #Self-Medicate under the #Constitution.

  • David Lory VanDerBeek says:

    #davidlory Stay in touch. It’s? coming.

  • David Lory VanDerBeek says:

    “I hope the future looks something like what? Jacque Fresco described with the Venus project , that would be somewhat like a Nirvana. this vid is cool by the way ” cool comment

  • David Lory VanDerBeek says:

    The future looks good. eh??

  • cool22able says:

    Such an? amazing brilliant compassinate idea! Count me in!!

  • David Lory VanDerBeek says:

    Great question. It sounds like this would be? ideal for you. The church is in ashland, oregon.

  • MrBoblowblaw says:

    i was a crack addict for 15 years,i have been clean for 11 months,i smoke weed every day almost two grams per day at first it really helped,now i dont really get alot from it it almost seems like i need it just to feel normal,i suffer from extreme depresion along with all thati am also hooked on mild opiats (tyl? 3) ihave aneck injury,i live in kelowna bc canada what i would like to know is there a ayahuaska treatment place in bc canada.

  • David Lory VanDerBeek says:

    I’ve never called them, but you inspired me. I called? and left a message. I’ll find out what I can and you should do the same. I hope they can provide us with proper guidance. Take care.

  • David Lory VanDerBeek says:

    Church Of The Holy Light Of? The Queen (541) 488-7626 Ashland, OR 97520

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